IDEAS – a video

IDEAS – a video

IDEAS is from our new record, THE NEW CENTURY. We hope you enjoy it. Specials thanks to Daniel Thornton and Nesib CB Shamah of Creative Differences 


WEST COAST PEOPLES! Come visit us…we’ll be here:06/5 Hemlock Tavern ~ San Francisco, CA06/6 Lestat’s ~ San Diego, CA06/7 Redwood Tavern ~ Los Angeles, CA06/8 District Tavern ~ Tucson, AZ6/10 Silverlake Lounge ~ Los Angeles, CA6/11 New Parish ~ Oakland, CA6/12 Tiny Tavern ~ Eugene, OR6/13 Dantes ~ Portland, OR6/14 High Dive ~ Seattle, WA

Tour is coming

We’re just about done confirming our west coast dates. so far…it’s looking amazing! you’re amazing. also…checkout the new record! The New Century by Gibraltar


this friday@chop sueyw:Crooked VeilsUniverse People


we have a new song: IDEAS. to hear it…go here: we love you.