News and Stuff

Introducing Gwen Stubbs

Introducing our new bass player Gwen Stubbs (Prison, Blood Drugs) Catch her first few shows with us this summer, starting with next week’s Prince Memorial Night

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We are happy to announce that we will be playing the 2015 Timber! Outdoor Music Festival[singlepic id=30 w= h= float=center]

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Macefield Music Festival

pictures aren’t as loud as words, but this comes pretty damn close. thank you to everyone that packed the room that afternoon. we’ve never played

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IDEAS – a video

IDEAS is from our new record, THE NEW CENTURY. We hope you enjoy it. Specials thanks to Daniel Thornton and Nesib CB Shamah of Creative

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WEST COAST PEOPLES! Come visit us…we’ll be here:06/5 Hemlock Tavern ~ San Francisco, CA06/6 Lestat’s ~ San Diego, CA06/7 Redwood Tavern ~ Los Angeles, CA06/8

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Tour is coming

We’re just about done confirming our west coast dates. so far…it’s looking amazing! you’re amazing. also…checkout the new record! The New Century by Gibraltar

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this friday@chop sueyw:Crooked VeilsUniverse People

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we have a new song: IDEAS. to hear it…go here: we love you.

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